Balmi Lip Balm # Review


Hey everyone ! I'm back on the Blogging scene after nearly a week without posting. The reason? Well, I've been enjoying being with my family, I've been working for my Uni exams (coming soon...), and I've been posting few videos too. 

Anyway, today I'm going to talk about a new discovery of mine: the Balmi Lip Balm. I've discovered them thanks to my sister, she said they were really good. I wanted to try them, as they look super similar to the EOS ones, which I never tried (can't be bothered to order them online...).

Those one are great, and not gadget as I thought they were going to be. I mean it is small, contain in a cute little round and colourful packaging, so yes, I definitely thought it wasn't going to do a lot for my lips. BUT.

BUT, it did actually work super well. The initial balm I've tried is in the flavor "Raspberry", and then one of my good friends Marine sends me the Coconut flavor one. They both work equally well. 
As the small box explains, it does have an SPF 15, which is great to protect your lippies from the upcoming sunny and hot days. 

It is composed of shea butter, jojoba oil and vitamin E. A great combo against chapped lips! My lips were still in a bad condition when I went back to France from London. A couple of days after I started applying this balm and in a day or two, my lips were like new, soft and hydrated ! Great surprise really ! 

"Love life. Love lip balm" as they say on the packaging. I agree !
More than being a great product, I just fall in love with the adorable look of those lip balm. Small, handy, smelling amazingly/incredibly/can'tgetenoughofit good, easy to apply and soft on the lips. What else could I ask for ? Oh yes, a small price ! I've checked, if I bought mine in France for less than 5 euros, you can also buy it in Boots for less than 5 pounds ! Bargain all the way ! 

Have you tried this product before? If so, what do you think? 

Thanks for reading guys, I'll speak to you all soon ! Liz. 

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3 commentaires

  1. Ils ont l'air super bien ces baumes, j'ai trouvé des espèces de dupes chez Claire's, la qualité ne doit pas être la même mais ils se sont clairement inspiré de la forme sphérique ^_____________^ Et j'aime bien ton blog, je m'abonne :D

  2. Franchement essaye ceux là, ils sont pas chers et très bien ! Merci beaucoup !! :D xx

  3. hii ou est ce que tu les a acheter a londre ? :)


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