
How does it feel like to live in London ?


Hello internet friends!

I am pre-writing this post, as today (Saturday), I am flying home to France, and it means that I will have others things to do than writing a post! Even though I am super duper extra excited to go home, I am sure I'm going to miss some aspects of living in London.

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Since few years now, one of my dream was "I want to live in London one day". I had never actually plan to study here. I went to the city few times during middle and highschool, but I never imagined that one day, this will become my reality.

This year, 2012, is actually the start of my second year living in London. Back to September 2011, I moved here as an aupair. I think I will write an entire article about my kind of desastrous adventure as a nanny, the subject is sooo long! So in October, I was already use to some things here, like the tube, buses, areas like Oxford Street, Pimlico, Clapham ... Which was good, I didn't had to learn everything in one go.


Last year, I started to be tired of Oxford Street. YES, you've read well, I am tired of Oxford Street. The paradisiac place for shopping. Why? Because I had to go on this street nearly everyday at some point, and let me tell you, it is busy ALL THE TIME. Not a pleasant busy, a terrible busy. Like you are constantly being pushed by rude people, you are more running than peacefully walking, rushing all the time, you nearly can't breath at the end .. A nightmare. Even though all the shops are there, I now tend to go to Westfield (take it as a friend advice!)

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But yes, London is great for shopping. My favorite places are Chelsea with King's Road, Westfield, Covent Garden. I just wich there were less tourists .. ;)

The bad thing about the city is that nearly everything is expensive. And the element which trouble me the most is the price of good food. Yes, I am a foody. I'm addicted to good and tasty food. Why is food so damn expensive? I am a Tesco hater. Alright it is the cheapest place to buy food .. But it does taste horrible or it does taste ... nothing!! Why? I have to be careful, I buy food in Waitrose or I don't eat at all. I don't want to seem pretentious, but I think healthy food is key when it comes to studies, it is not only good for your body, but also for your brain! So yea, I think I will ruin myself in food .. Sad me. Like a good French cheese, 7£ ? You must be kidding me. ANYWAY.

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For clothes, I would say it is alright. Places like Primark are great for us poor students, and I have some stuff from them that last quiet well, but I have to recognize the quality is not always amazing . Beauty products are reasonnable too. So I'm only frustrated by food.

Oh I nearly forgot. TRANSPORT. This is also a ruin. It is super pricy and there is nothing we can really do about it. This year I live 5 min walking from Uni so it is okay, but still every run in Central London via bus or tube are not free ..

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If we forget about prices, I love to walk and loose myself in the city. Some places here are purely beautiful. The main sites are of course Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament, Buckingam Palace, Kensington Palace, Hyde Park, Regent's Park, Covent Garden, Chelsea, Kensington .. The list is endless, there is always something to visit.

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To recap, I love most of my life in London. It is expensive, it can be too busy, I can get bored of it some days, but I will always love it. It is one of my favorite town and I won't imagine my future without it in it. (And I nearly forgot to mention the weather ... Woop!)

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If you also live in London, let me know in the comment what do you love or what do you hate about it, I'm curious!

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